Ethiopians' G-20 protest got unprecedented media coverage
Medeshi April 4, 2009
Ethiopia- Ethiopians' G-20 protest got unprecedented media coverage
Ethiopians protesting the invitation of Ethiopia's Prime Minister to the G20 summit were successful in getting their message across the media. Unlike other similar protests against Ethiopian government, the protest in London had unprecedented media coverage by the western media. Here is what Jonathan Rugman of Channel 4 News, the reporter who interviewed Meles Zenawi wrote on his blog, "Watch out for my colleague Alex Thomson’s report tonight on how the much-hyped G20 protests, policed at a cost of millions, were today dominated by a few hundred Somalis, Ethiopians and Eritreans, which was not what much of the media, on hand in case of a scuffle, had in mind.
They were protesting about human rights abuses perpetrated by the government of Meles Zenawi, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, interviewed by this programme yesterday".
The protest was covered by BBC, ITN and CNN among many other western media. Abbay Media, an Ethiopian opposition website, has the most extensive coverage of the protest, documenting it with several photos and a picture of Meles Zenawi sitting in his Jaguar.
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