Medeshi Sept 8, 2008
One effective way of realizing Education for All is to educate more teachers. Unfortunately there are not enough universities or college buildings to educate everyone in the world. But with e-learning we can reach more, even in the rural and remote areas and people that usually shouldn’t be able to participate in higher studies depending on lack of money or life situations.
MKFC Stockholm College are running teacher training in Somaliland from Stockholm, Sweden. The teacher training is based on the British standard and here is an extract of an interview with the tutors from MKFC Stockholm College website.
Emma Hedlund, educating tutor, and Mohamed Xarbi, tutor and communicator, are excited after the start up of a complete Teacher Training End-to-End eLearning™ education in Somaliland
–It’s a quite comprehensive education lasting for three years and a half, says Emma, tutor at the course. And it will give the 13 teachers very good common teacher qualifications. Most of the teachers have long experience at the school and are well educated, but there is a great value in getting a common platform in method and pedagogic.
While Emma is the formal tutor of the course, responsible for course content and educational tutoring, Xarbi plays the role of a communicator and supporter in technical matters.
–I am pushing the students and I inform and explain things. Simultaneously I do some support in course administration on the learning platform, says Xarbi.
Then, are there any problems when performing the course?
–The lack of computers and a slow Internet connection at the school may cause some waiting, says Xarbi, but we have sent the course materials on CD-roms, so they can do most of the job without any connection.
The End-to-End eLearning™ concept offers different channels for managing a course despite modest technical equipment. Also, the standard of equipment as well as connections will certainly improve; it’s surely just a matter of time.
The Somaliland school also has a blog where they post about their processes of participating in the teacher education, you find it here.
Imagine when we won’t be limited by the picture of a physical building when thinking about education, but rather thinking of learning in a connected world. Then our vision of Education for All will be realized.
Qaar ka mid ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah oo walaac ka muujiyay mudo dhaafka golayaasha deegaanada
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