Medeshi 26 Aug, 2008
African Union – An obstacle to Somaliland Colonial Border
Abdulazez Al-Motairi
In the African Union (AU) there are countries that support Somaliland Cause of independence and others oppose it. Somaliland diplomatic fight back to win its lost sovereignty from the failed state of former Somalia, has received daring welcome from many African states. AU recommends the colonial border, but when it comes to Somaliland: AU says NO to Somaliland Colonial Border
Anti-Somaliland figures in the black continent mainly Somalis initiate their argument on colonial borders against Somaliland; they believe changing the colonial border in African will open Pandora Box of disintegration in many area of the countries.
However, this argument indirectly supports Somaliland, because Hargiesa Administration is demarcating the Somali map according to colonial border. Somaliland is demanding to restore centuries old British Somaliland Protectorate border, which existed until 1960. In July 28th 1886, British Parliament and Queen Victoria duly ratified current borderline of Somaliland, as the area was under Great Britain.
Moreover, Great Britain and Italian Government signed an agreements delimiting border between British Somaliland (Now Republic of Somaliland) and Italian Somalia (Now Republic of Somalia) on 1884. This again supports Somaliland´s call to restore colonial border in former Somalia. Somaliland Colonial Border is a victim of AU Policies, which implements regulations to some countries and denies the others.
Subsequently, both British Somaliland and Italian Somalia won independence on 26th June 1960 and 1st July 1960 respectively. More than 34 countries recognized British Somaliland as an independent and sovereign state including majority of AU Member States. Somaliland is demanding independence within its colonial borders.
Britain, as colonizing power in Somaliland, signed agreements with neighboring authorities including French in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Italy in Italian Somalia: to respect the colonial border of British Somaliland (Now Republic of Somaliland).
Based on aforesaid facts, AU has no right to suppress Somaliland´s claim of independence as per Cairo Accord. Like Somaliland and Somalia, many African countries united like Senegal and Gambia, where Egypt united with an Asian country – The Syria. Also, Eritrea disintegrated from Ethiopia based on colonial border and decision of the people of Eritrea. Senegal – Gambia and Egypt – Syria ended their unity without consulting to AU, because the unity wasn´t in their interest and as per Cairo agreement. So, why not the accord implemented in Somaliland?
All these nations joined to achieve social, religious or political agendas and later withdraw from such unions because unity is not on color, language and religion…etc. The unity should have pre-agreements to implement equality and justice between the uniting parties. Many Somalis advocate for the unity of Somalia based on religion, color, language and culture but it is quiet far from the fact inside Somalia.
Here is the irony. Julius Nyerere, first president of Tanzania, in the formative stages of the OAU, pleaded against redrawing African borders so that British Somaliland would not joint with Italian Somalia. Why? The fear was that a united Somalia would be a harbinger for the emergence of Greater Somalia, which, in order to annex surrounding Somali territories, would invade Ethiopia and Kenya. (The Republic of Somalia did invade Ethiopia in 1977, and Somali raiders still attack Kenya).
Even more ironic, Nyerere redrew his own borders, joining Tanganyika with Zanzibar to form Tanzania. Yet nearly 40 years later, Nyerere´s argument is being used to prevent Somaliland from being recognized as a sovereign state even though it was, briefly, an independent state after its liberation from British.
On balance, the OAU´s doctrine on the "inviolability" of boundaries inherited from the colonial powers does not apply to Somaliland because it is situated within the boundaries of the British Somaliland Protectorate defined in 1886 when it was declared a British protectorate.Somalilanders lament that the United States and the United Nations have had little trouble with redrawing borders in the Balkans or the former Soviet Union, but still resist to recognize their nascent republic. - Dr. Bob Arnot NBC NEWS
The Somalis were uneducated with little experience in fledging unity; the people wanted unity of Somali-speaker without understanding the need of the unity and its consequences. The Somali people scattered in five countries in the region starting from Djibouti, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. The Somalis make about 30% of East African population.
Somaliland was first Somali-speaking nation to gain independence on June 26th, 1960 from Great Britain and four days later Italian Somalia (Former Somalia) on July 1st, 1960. Djibouti gained independence from French on 1977.
Somaliland took the first step to establish the united Somali Republic on July 1st, 1960 – only four days from Independence Day June 26th, 1960. Somaliland elders and politicians traveled all the way to Mogadishu to achieve their dream of uniting Somalis. They handed over their sovereignty without any conditions except one – to see united Somali Republic and all Somali speakers should be its citizens. This initiative of unity cost Somaliland lives of thousands of its citizens, and lost of sovereignty until today.
First President of Somali Republic Adan Adde – one of the Somali Intellectuals – asked Somalilanders to stay away for a while. He requested the Somalilanders to wait until the south Somalia solves their differences than we can talk of unity with Somaliland. But the enthusiastic Somalilanders for unity rejected and demanded immediate unity without preconditions.
About decade and half, Djibouti gained independence on 1977 and all Somalis were thinking that Djibouti will join Somalia but that did not happen. Djibouti declared independence and turned down the offer of joining Somalia. Somalilanders, who lost trust in the unity on 1977, advised Djibouti to stay away.
Many people start the failure of Somalia from 1991, but the situation in Somalia started deteriorating after 1964 failed military coup led by military officers from Somaliland. Somalilanders unveiled their lost density and government and how much they have been cheated by Somali government. In other hand, NFD and majority of Somalis in Ethiopia decided to remain under Kenya and Ethiopia respectively, which ended the idea of united Somalis. This was the only reason that Somalilanders handed over their government to Italian Somalia.
Somalis are not the only community that was divided but there are many African communities who share culture, language and even religion under different countries because of the colonial border.
Somaliland can only stay with Somalia if the world delimits the Political Map based culture, language, religion and ethics. However, Somaliland respects the AU Accord in Cairo on 1963 and demands independence based on terms of the accord. The Anti-Somaliland figures always overlook the AU Accord and spread propaganda against Somaliland demand of independence.
AU stopped Somaliland efforts to win recognition, after international communities including US conditioned AU recognition to Somaliland. AU, as we mentioned earlier, is maintaining colonial borders in an attempt to avoid future disintegration in the black continent. AU, clearly, knows that Somaliland is demanding independence based on colonial borders but unfortunately did not get good support from AU.
AU sent fact-finding mission to Somaliland on 2005, and the mission reported that Somaliland is different than Somalia and should recognition should be considered. The AU downgraded the hard work of Somalilanders and preferred it over the failure in Somalia.
Somaliland established the entire infrastructure necessary for a modern government including Cabinet, Parliament, Multiparty system, Army and Police… etc. Somaliland attracted the eyes of international community including USA especially during visit of Assistant Undersecretary of State Department Dr. Frazier to Hargiesa. This visit was sign of goodwill from USA to the people of Somaliland.
However, the world tells Somaliland to process their file through African Union (AU) and if AU support Somaliland independence that the result of the world will follow. So, why AU is pushing Somaliland back into failure? Why AU prefers failed Somalia over Somaliland? Aren´t Somalilanders an Africans and has rights in AU? What will be faith of Somaliland if Somalia remains in current turmoil for another 50 years, Will AU keep Somaliland back until Somalia solves its differences? What is the mistake Somaliland did to Somalia? So, AU can punish Somaliland to hold until Somalia wakes.
AU should address to these questions and other millions, because the people of Somaliland need explanation from AU, and Why AU is giving side to Somalia against Somaliland?
The people of Somaliland are committed to continue their independence with or without Somalia, and nobody will be able to stop Somalilanders from deciding their destiny.
Abdulazez Al-Motairi
In the African Union (AU) there are countries that support Somaliland Cause of independence and others oppose it. Somaliland diplomatic fight back to win its lost sovereignty from the failed state of former Somalia, has received daring welcome from many African states. AU recommends the colonial border, but when it comes to Somaliland: AU says NO to Somaliland Colonial Border
Anti-Somaliland figures in the black continent mainly Somalis initiate their argument on colonial borders against Somaliland; they believe changing the colonial border in African will open Pandora Box of disintegration in many area of the countries.
However, this argument indirectly supports Somaliland, because Hargiesa Administration is demarcating the Somali map according to colonial border. Somaliland is demanding to restore centuries old British Somaliland Protectorate border, which existed until 1960. In July 28th 1886, British Parliament and Queen Victoria duly ratified current borderline of Somaliland, as the area was under Great Britain.
Moreover, Great Britain and Italian Government signed an agreements delimiting border between British Somaliland (Now Republic of Somaliland) and Italian Somalia (Now Republic of Somalia) on 1884. This again supports Somaliland´s call to restore colonial border in former Somalia. Somaliland Colonial Border is a victim of AU Policies, which implements regulations to some countries and denies the others.
Subsequently, both British Somaliland and Italian Somalia won independence on 26th June 1960 and 1st July 1960 respectively. More than 34 countries recognized British Somaliland as an independent and sovereign state including majority of AU Member States. Somaliland is demanding independence within its colonial borders.
Britain, as colonizing power in Somaliland, signed agreements with neighboring authorities including French in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Italy in Italian Somalia: to respect the colonial border of British Somaliland (Now Republic of Somaliland).
Based on aforesaid facts, AU has no right to suppress Somaliland´s claim of independence as per Cairo Accord. Like Somaliland and Somalia, many African countries united like Senegal and Gambia, where Egypt united with an Asian country – The Syria. Also, Eritrea disintegrated from Ethiopia based on colonial border and decision of the people of Eritrea. Senegal – Gambia and Egypt – Syria ended their unity without consulting to AU, because the unity wasn´t in their interest and as per Cairo agreement. So, why not the accord implemented in Somaliland?
All these nations joined to achieve social, religious or political agendas and later withdraw from such unions because unity is not on color, language and religion…etc. The unity should have pre-agreements to implement equality and justice between the uniting parties. Many Somalis advocate for the unity of Somalia based on religion, color, language and culture but it is quiet far from the fact inside Somalia.
Here is the irony. Julius Nyerere, first president of Tanzania, in the formative stages of the OAU, pleaded against redrawing African borders so that British Somaliland would not joint with Italian Somalia. Why? The fear was that a united Somalia would be a harbinger for the emergence of Greater Somalia, which, in order to annex surrounding Somali territories, would invade Ethiopia and Kenya. (The Republic of Somalia did invade Ethiopia in 1977, and Somali raiders still attack Kenya).
Even more ironic, Nyerere redrew his own borders, joining Tanganyika with Zanzibar to form Tanzania. Yet nearly 40 years later, Nyerere´s argument is being used to prevent Somaliland from being recognized as a sovereign state even though it was, briefly, an independent state after its liberation from British.
On balance, the OAU´s doctrine on the "inviolability" of boundaries inherited from the colonial powers does not apply to Somaliland because it is situated within the boundaries of the British Somaliland Protectorate defined in 1886 when it was declared a British protectorate.Somalilanders lament that the United States and the United Nations have had little trouble with redrawing borders in the Balkans or the former Soviet Union, but still resist to recognize their nascent republic. - Dr. Bob Arnot NBC NEWS
The Somalis were uneducated with little experience in fledging unity; the people wanted unity of Somali-speaker without understanding the need of the unity and its consequences. The Somali people scattered in five countries in the region starting from Djibouti, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. The Somalis make about 30% of East African population.
Somaliland was first Somali-speaking nation to gain independence on June 26th, 1960 from Great Britain and four days later Italian Somalia (Former Somalia) on July 1st, 1960. Djibouti gained independence from French on 1977.
Somaliland took the first step to establish the united Somali Republic on July 1st, 1960 – only four days from Independence Day June 26th, 1960. Somaliland elders and politicians traveled all the way to Mogadishu to achieve their dream of uniting Somalis. They handed over their sovereignty without any conditions except one – to see united Somali Republic and all Somali speakers should be its citizens. This initiative of unity cost Somaliland lives of thousands of its citizens, and lost of sovereignty until today.
First President of Somali Republic Adan Adde – one of the Somali Intellectuals – asked Somalilanders to stay away for a while. He requested the Somalilanders to wait until the south Somalia solves their differences than we can talk of unity with Somaliland. But the enthusiastic Somalilanders for unity rejected and demanded immediate unity without preconditions.
About decade and half, Djibouti gained independence on 1977 and all Somalis were thinking that Djibouti will join Somalia but that did not happen. Djibouti declared independence and turned down the offer of joining Somalia. Somalilanders, who lost trust in the unity on 1977, advised Djibouti to stay away.
Many people start the failure of Somalia from 1991, but the situation in Somalia started deteriorating after 1964 failed military coup led by military officers from Somaliland. Somalilanders unveiled their lost density and government and how much they have been cheated by Somali government. In other hand, NFD and majority of Somalis in Ethiopia decided to remain under Kenya and Ethiopia respectively, which ended the idea of united Somalis. This was the only reason that Somalilanders handed over their government to Italian Somalia.
Somalis are not the only community that was divided but there are many African communities who share culture, language and even religion under different countries because of the colonial border.
Somaliland can only stay with Somalia if the world delimits the Political Map based culture, language, religion and ethics. However, Somaliland respects the AU Accord in Cairo on 1963 and demands independence based on terms of the accord. The Anti-Somaliland figures always overlook the AU Accord and spread propaganda against Somaliland demand of independence.
AU stopped Somaliland efforts to win recognition, after international communities including US conditioned AU recognition to Somaliland. AU, as we mentioned earlier, is maintaining colonial borders in an attempt to avoid future disintegration in the black continent. AU, clearly, knows that Somaliland is demanding independence based on colonial borders but unfortunately did not get good support from AU.
AU sent fact-finding mission to Somaliland on 2005, and the mission reported that Somaliland is different than Somalia and should recognition should be considered. The AU downgraded the hard work of Somalilanders and preferred it over the failure in Somalia.
Somaliland established the entire infrastructure necessary for a modern government including Cabinet, Parliament, Multiparty system, Army and Police… etc. Somaliland attracted the eyes of international community including USA especially during visit of Assistant Undersecretary of State Department Dr. Frazier to Hargiesa. This visit was sign of goodwill from USA to the people of Somaliland.
However, the world tells Somaliland to process their file through African Union (AU) and if AU support Somaliland independence that the result of the world will follow. So, why AU is pushing Somaliland back into failure? Why AU prefers failed Somalia over Somaliland? Aren´t Somalilanders an Africans and has rights in AU? What will be faith of Somaliland if Somalia remains in current turmoil for another 50 years, Will AU keep Somaliland back until Somalia solves its differences? What is the mistake Somaliland did to Somalia? So, AU can punish Somaliland to hold until Somalia wakes.
AU should address to these questions and other millions, because the people of Somaliland need explanation from AU, and Why AU is giving side to Somalia against Somaliland?
The people of Somaliland are committed to continue their independence with or without Somalia, and nobody will be able to stop Somalilanders from deciding their destiny.
Source : The American Chronicle