Daallo , the most beautiful place in Somaliland (+photos)

(Medeshi) - Erigavo , Dec 27, 2013 - Daallo is located few kilometres north of the Erigavo, the capital of Sanaag region of Somaliland . It is considered as the most beautiful place in Somaliland while Surud mountain,  just less than 20 kilometres east of Daallo,  is the highest place (mountain) both in Somaliland and Somalia and has an elevation of 7,900 feet (2,408 m).

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Qaar ka mid ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah oo walaac ka muujiyay mudo dhaafka golayaasha deegaanada

Annaga oo ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah ee Madaxa-banaan waxaanu si wayn uga walaacsanahay