Book launch: "Diiwaanka Qosolka” - collection of Somali wisdom jokes

Medeshi March 29, 2009
Book launch:
"Diiwaanka Qosolka” - collection of Somali wisdom jokes
By Jamal Ali Hussein in London and Bristol
Language of the event: Somali
London: Saturday, 11 April, 14pm at Arts Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary, university London E1 4NSO
Bristol: Sunday, 12 April, 15PM at St Pauls Community Sports Academy, New Foundland Street, Bristol, BS2 9NH
Kayd Somali Art and Culture is very excited to launch “Diiwaanka Qosolka”- Collection of Somali Wisdom Jokes. This is the first time the book will be launched and we are glad that the author, Jamal Ali, will be with us to share and present some of the 150 wonderful and hilarious short stories and poems which he has collected. Jamal Ali Hussein has collected a total of seven thousand ‘wisdom jokes’ and this is the first publication of its sort.
This book will give you an insight into the richness of Somali ‘wisdom jokes’, which have their roots in the traditional, nomadic Somali life style as well as addressing conteporary issues of immigration, exile and urbanization. The book will provide a greater understanding of Somali traditions, codes and life style.
The author, who is an International Banker with Citibank/Citigroup, and the CEO of the Bank’s operations in Ivory Coast and West Africa, has proven with this collection of Somali ‘wisdom jokes’ that laughter may be the best answer to the credit crunch! In addition to our main guest, there will be other books available for sale and there will be other poets and writers presenting some of their works, including Mohamed Baashe H. Hassan, Mawliid Aadan Aideed , Faysal Aw-Abdi, Abdirahman Ibrahim (Abees) and more.
More information: Ayan Mahamud: 0790371-2949
Mohamed Baashe: 07852239595
Faysal Aw-Cabdi: 07931892659
Sheekooyinka buuggan “Diiwaanka Qosolka” ku jiraa waxay qofka ka fududaynayaan culays saaran, aadna waa looga helayaa. Waxa loo baahan yahay in sheekooyinka Buuggan ku jira loo tarjumo bulshooyinka aan furfurnayn sida caalamka Reer Galbeedka. Jamaal Cali Xuseen waxa uu ka mid yahay inta xiisaysa sheekooyinka noocan ah. Inta samaysa ee hibada u lehna waa ka mid.
Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame (Hadraawi): Abwaan Weyn, Mufaker Maansoole iyo Xeel-dheere Aqoonta Bulshada
Daraasado badan oo ku saabsan cilmi-nafsiga ayaa sheegaaya in qosolku yahay astaanta caafimaadka isla markaana qosolku kobciyo farxadda iyo himilada qofka. Bulshadu dhibaatooyinka nolosha waxay kaga gudbaan ama ay isku illowsiiyaan sheekooyin qosol, farxad, iyo xikmad leh, sida sheekooyinkan uu Jamaal Cali Xuseen ku soo ururiyey Diiwaankan qiimaha leh.
Dr. Xuseen Cabdillaahi Bulxan: Guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Hargeysa, Bare Sare (Professor) ka ahaan jirey Jaamacadda Boston ( USA ), Xeel-dheere Cilmi Nafsiga
About Kayd: Kayd promotes Somali Art & Culture through a broad combination of poetry, literature, music, film and discussions. We wish to contribute to the creation of a culture of tolerance in the context of an appreciation of the richness of Somali culture; the Somali Week Festival remains one of the key events for
Managing Director: Ayan Mahamoud,Tel: 0-44(0)7903712949,

Qaar ka mid ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah oo walaac ka muujiyay mudo dhaafka golayaasha deegaanada

Annaga oo ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah ee Madaxa-banaan waxaanu si wayn uga walaacsanahay