Somaliland Diaspora : Half-day conference on promoting partnership

Medeshi Oct 6 ,2008
Somali Week Festival 2008
Tuesday 14th October
Half-day conference on promoting partnership between Somaliland Diaspora
organisations, UK development organisations and their counterparts in
Oxford House in Bethnal Green, in partnership with Somaliland Diaspora
organisations, including Somaliland Societies in Europe (SSE), Somaliland Umbrella
Group (SUG), Somaliland International Recognition Action Group (SIRAG),
Somaliland Focus (UK) and Somaliland West London, is organising a half-day
conference on Tuesday 14th October 2008 from 2pm
We are inviting you to attend this important conference with the theme: promoting
partnership between Somaliland Diaspora organisations, their local
counterpart organisations and other international NGOs.
The primary objective of the conference is to discuss the roles and contributions that
can be played by both Somaliland and Diaspora organisations in the human and
economic development of Somaliland, and ways in which the necessary networks
can be improved to support those activities. The conference will also consider
specific experience in Somaliland with a view to informing discussion on future
We believe that the debates and discussions held during the meeting will help to
contribute to the improvement of communications networks amongst Somaliland
organisations in the UK and back home, as well as with international counterpart
Conference Programme
14:00-15:00 Registration and Refreshments
15:00-15:05 Welcome from Chair of SSE
15:05-15:15 Introduction by Michael Walls, Chair of Somaliland Focus
15:15-15:30 Local NGOs and their contribution to Somaliland development; Omar
Sheikh, Director of Havoyoco (Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth
15:30-15:45 The integration, effects, and situation of Somali refuges from
Mogadishu in Somaliland by Anna Lindley, University of Oxford
15:45-16:05 Local NGOs and their contribution to peace, democratisation
processes and latest update on Somaliland election and voter
registration by Boobe Yusuf Duale, Programme Coordinator, Academy
for Peace and Development, Somaliland

16:05-16:20 Somaliland Diaspora organisations and their contribution to
Somaliland development by Dr Saad Ali Shire, Burco University

16:20-16:40 Building partnerships between Diaspora and local NGOs and bilateral
donors by Jonathan Hargreaves/Cindy Berman, DFID

16:40-17:00 Discussion

17:00-17:20 Tea/Coffee Break/Networking

17:20-17:40 Dialogue, collaboration, learning and information exchange between
local and Diaspora NGOs and international organisations and
Diaspora organisations; improving our ability to work together by Dr
Michael Brophy, Director, Africa Educational Trust

17:40-18:00 Sum up and close of conference.

Qaar ka mid ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah oo walaac ka muujiyay mudo dhaafka golayaasha deegaanada

Annaga oo ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah ee Madaxa-banaan waxaanu si wayn uga walaacsanahay