Deforestation in Somaliland and Somalia

Medeshi Sept 29, 2008
Deforestation in Somaliland and Somalia

* Somalis depend on sheep, goats and camels for their livelihood
* Somalis use charcoal or wood for all their cooking every day
* Deforestation for charcoal production has caused massive and nearly irreversible degradation of grazing land in Somalia Without trees, there is no life for animals or pastoralists in the fragile Somali landscape
Sun fire cooking in Somalia is the answer to stop this process and all local and international NGO's operating in Somaliland and Somalia are urged to bring the solar technology to the the masses in order the fight deforestation.
Solar cookers(like the one shown above) can save Somali households an average of $20 per month in charcoal costs. The solar cooker pays for itself in less than one year and should give twenty years of free solar cooking.
I, particularly, urge PENHA (Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa ) which I worked with in Somaliland from 2001 -2004 to continue the fight against deforestation and introduce cost effective solar equipment like the one shown above to replace the use of charcoal in the house holds and commercial places both in Somaliland and Somalia.

Qaar ka mid ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah oo walaac ka muujiyay mudo dhaafka golayaasha deegaanada

Annaga oo ah Ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah ee Madaxa-banaan waxaanu si wayn uga walaacsanahay